Novel Plan of Students to See the Beauty of the Old World.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Reaser to Take Charge of a Carload of Young Painters.
A novel trip is being arranged by the art amateurs of this City to see different parts of the Old World, or that portion of the country where most elevating inspiration may be found. The territory sought most is Europe, and with the end in view of getting to that point and incidentally the cities along the route Mr. and Mrs. Wilber A. Reaser are organizing a combination. The object is to make it as inexpensive as possible and at the same time thoroughly instructive.
The party will leave San Francisco for New York early in April in a special car, which will stop over at Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Chicago and Niagara Fails. One week will be spent in New York visiting the spring exhibitions and in general sight-seeing. Reaching London about the Ist of May the party will spend two weeks studying the exhibitions, the national museums and in seeing the great city and its suburbs, with special attention to the different types of character there and along the route. The next stop will be made in Rouen, the great storehouse of Gothic architecture. One month will be spent in Paris visiting the salons, the Louvre, Luxembourg and in general sightseeing. Excursions will be made to Fontainebleau, Barbizon, Chartres, St. Cloud, Versailles, etc. Leaving for Holland about June 15, short stops will be made at Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges and Ghent. The next two months will be spent in the ideal little Dutch village of Rijsoord, situated on a beautiful river between Rotterdam and Dordrecht. Here Mr. Reaser will direct a class in figure and landscape painting.
Excursions will be made to all the princioal Dutch cities and galleries, including a day or two at Scheveningen, the most charming of Continental watering-places. A unique feature of the trip will be a week's journey in a big sailboat through the Dutch canals, stopping at picturesque little out-of-the-way places, and seeing the fascinating Dutch peasant life as few tourists are privileged to see it. The party will return to New York about the middle of August, reaching San Francisco early in September. Mr. Reaser has spent many years in Europe and is thoroughly familiar with the country. He has attained considerable prominence as a painter. The plan has created quite a stir among the young people who paint, and if the present indications amount to anything the party will be entirely made up in a short time.